Ahad, 24 Ogos 2014

Lumrah Hidup

Bukan semua yg berlaku dalam hidup kita perlu kita ceritakan. Orang lain tidak akan memahami apa yg sebenarnya kita rasakan. Kadang2 kita perlu pendamkan perasaan kita walaupun pedih dan menyakitkan. Dan menangislah jika perlu kerana menangis mampu meluahkan segala perasaan kita. Carilah orang yang mampu mendengar segala luahan hatimu dan memahami perasaanmu kerana orang inilah yg mampu membuatmu kembali tersenyum. :)

Sabtu, 23 Ogos 2014

Kem sahsiah diri

waa macam siok juga pula tu. sy tak pg. haha. takut pula sy kalau kena denda. RM50 lagi tu! (tulah!spa sruh pmlas). em bukan sy takmau pg bah tu tapi mnggu depan trial spm dah. kalau sy pg tu kan penat, dan sy tdak dapat belajar.. lagipun sy sakit. haha.( pg oi  bljar. online seja karaja) -_-


3 November 2014, Monday - Bahasa Melayu
4 November 2014, Tuesday- English
5 November 2014, Wednesday- Mathematics
6 November 2014, Thursday- Pendidikan Moral / Islam

10 November 2014, Monday- Sejarah Kertas 1 Kertas 2
13 November 2014, Thursday- Sejarah Kertas 3

17 November 2014, Monday- Prinsip Perakaunan
19 November 2014, Wednesday- Additional Mathematics
20 November 2014, Thursday- Physics / Science

24 November 2014, Monday - Chemistry
25 November 2014, Tuesday- Biology

1 December 2014, Tuesday- Bahasa Cina / Arab / Tamil
3 December 2014, Wednesday - EST

Wishing you all the best!
- See more at: http://mrsaimun.blogspot.com/2014/03/spm-timetable-2014.html#sthash.ghJ8oPbk.dpuf

Life quotes

  • Never be ashamed of where you came from. Who your family is. Who you friends are. What you do. What you like. How you live. 'Cause if you are, then you are ashamed of yourself.
  • We cry to remember and smile to forget.
  • Treat others, the way you like to be treated.
  • The heart isn't a toy. Give someone who deserves it not someone who plays with it.
  • Need to go bed.... Life is so much better in my dream.
  • Laugh when you can, apologize when you should.
  • Keep the best wishes, close to your heart and wacht what happen.
  • A tear is made of 1% WATER, 99% FEELINGS.
  • IGNORING is better than PLASTICITY
  • I'm shy... untill you get to know me.
  • Before you start to jugde me, remember this, U don't know what I've been trought. U have no idea what made mewho I am today.
  • Smile can't cover your pain. But smile can cover your weakness.
  • Time passes; Life happens.
  • Enjoy the little thing in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things.
  • If you want to succeed in your life, remember this phrase: That pass does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday, or all day today, or a moment ago. ALL that matters is: What are you going to do, right now?
  • Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
  • Life is a math equation. In order to gain the most, you know how to convert the negatives into positives.
  • Life is full of fake people. Before you decide to judge them, make sure you're not one of them.
  • The turth is you don't know what happen tomorrow, life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.
  • Today is Tomorrow's memory.
  • Treat yourself better, because a life doesn't last long, treat people around you better, maybe you will never see them again in your next life.
  • Live fully, love deeply, let go with no bitterness.
  • When you say 'yes' to others, make sure you are not saying 'no' to yourself.

I'm SPM's candidates 2014

SPM is around the corner.. Still a few weeks to go. But? I was still not ready :(
I felt worry and worry.. what should I do? STUDY LAH!! (pura2 xtau pulak budak ni -_-)
ok2 i know2. haha. Broken English? nevermind.... I just try my best to practise to write and speak in English.. Actually I'm weak for English subject... but my teacher give me a target for SPM to get 65 marks. its mean gred B. BUT!! i want to get  HIGH MARKS than that TARGET! (smbil buat muka seriuss).. HAhaha.. yes yes yes :D sure I can. Nothing imposible if we do the best! right? hihihi
ok today i'm sick :)

03november-25november 2014
(the importand dates in my life)