Sabtu, 23 Ogos 2014

I'm SPM's candidates 2014

SPM is around the corner.. Still a few weeks to go. But? I was still not ready :(
I felt worry and worry.. what should I do? STUDY LAH!! (pura2 xtau pulak budak ni -_-)
ok2 i know2. haha. Broken English? nevermind.... I just try my best to practise to write and speak in English.. Actually I'm weak for English subject... but my teacher give me a target for SPM to get 65 marks. its mean gred B. BUT!! i want to get  HIGH MARKS than that TARGET! (smbil buat muka seriuss).. HAhaha.. yes yes yes :D sure I can. Nothing imposible if we do the best! right? hihihi
ok today i'm sick :)

03november-25november 2014
(the importand dates in my life)